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Freelance jobs you can do at home -

 5 freelance jobs you can do at home - and where to find them    Tom Werner | Digital Vision | Getty Images  Unpaid work is on the rise and shows no signs of slowing down.    About 60 million people living in the United States identify as contract, service, temporary, or on-demand workers, and by 2027, it is expected that the self-employed will be many. American workers, according to Upwork, a self-employment platform. The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed businesses to prioritize their digital presence, and are therefore looking for freelance tech professionals to help them keep up with the growing, growing remote gig economy. rapid growth., a global marketplace for freelancers and people to earn money, analyzed 296,000 job postings posted on the platform between July and September 2022 to reveal the jobs that freelancers are looking for. now, based on their growth in the last quarter, and should be. has grouped jobs by the top skills they use:      Android

International Freelancers Day,


Although there are many benefits to being independent, they still feel that they are not recognized as contributing to the larger world. In a recent survey of freelancers on Fiverr, it was revealed that they thought the top benefit of freelance jobs included the ability to work from home (49%), being their boss (39%) and the right to choose their job/style. of work. services / or customers (33%). However, when asked about the opinion of the contribution of freelancers to the global economy, 34% of freelancers believe that they are not recognized as significant contributors.


“The number of people involved in self-employment is increasing as people value freedom and flexibility when it comes to balancing their work life. They prioritize their families, their mental and physical health, their passions and their well-being," said Micha Kaufman, Founder and CEO of Fiverr. "Without freelancers, millions of businesses wouldn't start; They wouldn't finish. project and leave a deadline. We believe it is important to establish this day to reward freelancers around the world, to celebrate their talent and honor their passion, for their contribution to millions of businesses and the global economy. We invite other organizations to join us in building on this important day for years to come. 


As part of International Freelancers Day, Fiverr and the Freelancers Union have created the Freelancers Welfare Fund. This fund will provide small grants to support the overall well-being of independent people around the world.
