
Freelance jobs you can do at home -

 5 freelance jobs you can do at home - and where to find them 


Tom Werner | Digital Vision | Getty Images 

Unpaid work is on the rise and shows no signs of slowing down. 


About 60 million people living in the United States identify as contract, service, temporary, or on-demand workers, and by 2027, it is expected that the self-employed will be many. American workers, according to Upwork, a self-employment platform. The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed businesses to prioritize their digital presence, and are therefore looking for freelance tech professionals to help them keep up with the growing, growing remote gig economy. rapid growth.


Freelancer.com, a global marketplace for freelancers and people to earn money, analyzed 296,000 job postings posted on the platform between July and September 2022 to reveal the jobs that freelancers are looking for. now, based on their growth in the last quarter, and should be. Freelancer.com has grouped jobs by the top skills they use: 



Android app development tops the list of freelance jobs in the global operating system, Matt Barrie, CEO and founder of Freelancer. com, tells CNBC Make It. 


7 billion records between July and September 2022, according to mobile intelligence firm Data.ai. Android users led the charge, as people downloaded apps 30 billion times on Google Play, compared to less than 9 billion times on the iOS App Store. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) and API (Application Programming Interface), the second and third freelancer needs on the list, are web development and programming methods that connect business to the web, develop web applications quickly and efficiently. and improve the mobile experience. 


This follows blogging and YouTube content, which has been proven to be a good business and customer acquisition strategy for businesses over the past two years, Barrie said. YouTube content includes freelance jobs in filming, editing, writing and marketing for the platform.


How to start 

The most obvious advantage of freelancing is the freedom it offers: you can manage your time, be your own boss, choose your clients, and work remotely from anywhere in the world. Lilani adds that self-employment also benefits by helping employers reduce costs and giving them access to a global pool. If you want to become a freelancer, the first step is to define your strongest skills and how to turn them into a job, whether it is communication, social media, graphics, writing, privacy or another part of the professional. , Lilani said. Create a digital portfolio of work examples to share with potential clients. To find work and list your own work, consider creating a profile on Upwork, Freelancer.com, Fiverr, TaskRabbit, or another website that offers freelance work. "Don't be afraid to start," Lilani says. "You can start small and it will take time to build a reputation in the freelance market, but if you put in continuous effort, you can have a successful career. as a freelancer." 


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5 freelance jobs you can do at home.
