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Freelance jobs you can do at home -

 5 freelance jobs you can do at home - and where to find them    Tom Werner | Digital Vision | Getty Images  Unpaid work is on the rise and shows no signs of slowing down.    About 60 million people living in the United States identify as contract, service, temporary, or on-demand workers, and by 2027, it is expected that the self-employed will be many. American workers, according to Upwork, a self-employment platform. The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed businesses to prioritize their digital presence, and are therefore looking for freelance tech professionals to help them keep up with the growing, growing remote gig economy. rapid growth., a global marketplace for freelancers and people to earn money, analyzed 296,000 job postings posted on the platform between July and September 2022 to reveal the jobs that freelancers are looking for. now, based on their growth in the last quarter, and should be. has grouped jobs by the top skills they use:      Android

30+ Easy Keto Dessert Recipes

 Dessert is one of the most popular food groups in the world. Many people enjoy sweet foods as a way to end their meals and to promote weight gain. However, many desserts contain high amounts of sugar and are bad for your health. Fortunately, many keto-friendly sweets can be easily made at home. All you need to do is follow a few simple rules.

 Many types of desserts are keto-friendly. The most common types of keto-friendly desserts include: pies, cookies, cakes, ice cream and puddings. Many grocery stores sell premade keto-friendly pie crusts and cookie dough as well as pre-made ice cream. You can also easily make your own homemade treats using ingredients commonly found in grocery stores. For example, you can make homemade ice cream using heavy whipping cream and MCT oil (coconut fat). To ensure that your desserts are nutritious, use ingredients like MCT oil or natural sweeteners instead of artificial sweeteners or sugar.

Many keto-friendly desserts can be made with common ingredients found in most grocery stores. For example, you can make chocolate chip cookies using almond flour instead of breadcrumbs and coconut butter instead of regular butter. You can also use coconut flour in place of regular flour for healthier baked goods— especially if you add MCT oil or heavy whipping cream to the recipe. Using natural ingredients makes it easy to create delicious treats that won’t sabotage your weight loss goals.

Having a large number of dessert options for your meals greatly increases your chances of staying in ketosis. This way, you don’t have to choose between eating well and gaining weight since many different treats will fit into your meal plan. Plus, choosing from a wide range of sweets reduces cravings for sweets since it's difficult to develop a craving for all the different options at once. As an added bonus, having many dessert choices will help you avoid falling off the wagon when you're feeling bored or hungry late at night!

 Making homemade treats is far easier than buying them from restaurants or grocery stores— which is why so many people opt for this approach when they're trying to eat healthier foods while still enjoying dessert occasionally. All it takes is a little planning and willingness to work hard to make healthy sweets that taste just as good as their less healthy counterparts! 
